Herbal Medicine

Day 65: Fire Cider – Herbal Medicine for coughs, colds, flu and other viruses (TYOH, Aug 2021)

Day 65: Fire Cider – Herbal Medicine for coughs, colds, flu and other viruses (TYOH, Aug 2021)

It looks likely that this winter is going to be filled with coughs, colds, flu and the coronavirus. The social distancing, mask wearing, extra hand washing and of course lockdowns meant that last year many of the usual seasonal viruses such as flu and respiratory…

Day 55: July Foraging for Nettle Seeds to make Nettle Seed & Flaxseed Crackers

Day 55: July Foraging for Nettle Seeds to make Nettle Seed & Flaxseed Crackers

Recently I wrote about foraging for Stinging Nettle seeds, which are highly nutritious and have amazing adaptogenic properties.    Now that my seeds have dried, I have passed them through a sieve to remove any twiggy bits, stems and leaves. Now I have a jar…

Day 49: July Foraging – Nettle Seeds – a Superfood (TYOH)

Day 49: July Foraging – Nettle Seeds – a Superfood (TYOH)

One of the first plants I learnt how to forage and one of my favourite wild plants are Stinging Nettles! Urtica dioica is a plant that needs little introduction.    Most children recognise nettles and avoid them to prevent their itchy sting. Nettle is a…

Day 46: Sulforaphane – one of the most potent anti-cancer compounds ever discovered (TYOH, July 2021)

Day 46: Sulforaphane – one of the most potent anti-cancer compounds ever discovered (TYOH, July 2021)

Sulforaphane was discovered by scientists at Johns Hopkins in 1992. Since then, over 2,400 studies have been published on it in the peer-reviewed literature.    Scientists have identified 39 distinct pro-health mechanisms for sulforaphane so far. Many health professionals and researchers believe that sulforaphane is…